Predators & Pests inquiry

We were learning about… Pest & Predators in our inquiry must do slides and different type of pest and predators like the stoat, the rat and the cat but that is just the predators and the pest are wasps and himaalayan tahr. I found it hard to… Finding the information for my inquiry and polyline […]

My Anzac bunker for the next war

I was learning about…Anzac day because I am doing the next world war bunker for in the future. I found it hard to…put in the stuff for my future bunker for the next world war. I found it easy to…put in the colour and my the bunker look’s really really safe. I really enjoyed…making the […]

Rhylee’s EMR art

I was learning about… The marine reserve and how not to pollut the water. I found it hard to… Put in detail, textures and colour in tiny places. I found it easy to… Draw the picures and were to put the EMR in my art. I enjoyed… Drawing my art and puting detail, textures and […]