Predators & Pests inquiry

We were learning about… Pest & Predators in our inquiry must do slides and different type of pest and predators like the stoat, the rat and the cat but that is just the predators and the pest are wasps and himaalayan tahr. I found it hard to… Finding the information for my inquiry and polyline […]

Fun filters

fun fliters by rhyleek We were learning about… How to put filters on our image so we can shine on our blogs. I found it hard to… Put in the photos and pick which one I want. I found it easy to… Put in the filter and doing the canva. I really enjoyed… Puting in […]

10×2 Holiday Writing

Holiday Writing by Rhylee We were learning about…Making a canva gif about our holiday. I found it hard to…Put in the images and write the words. I found it easy to…Do in the background and Put in the stickers. I really enjoyed…Making the canva gif and writing about Australia theme parks. Next time I will…Put […]

Co-op group Avatar

We were learning about…Working as a team and making our avatar. I found it hard to… Work with my cooperative group as a team. I found it easy to… Make the avatar, do the colour and put in the detail. I really enjoyed… Making the avatar and puting in the detail. Next time I will… […]

All about me

Hi my name is Rhylee, I’m 10 years old, I am a year 6 at I go to Awapuni school, I was born in Gisborne and I was born in march the 22. I have amazing, funny and fun family. I have four awesome brothers, I have lots of friends. I live in a big […]

Easter bunny drawing

I was learning about how to design and colour my easter bunny. I found it hard to put in the design and detail in my bunny. I found it easy to put in my colour and detail in my art. I really enjoyed colouring in and putting the detail on my art. Next time I […]

Easter egg art

I was learning about…how to design an easter egg for my art. I found it hard to…put in the shapes and the squigglys in my art. I found it easy to…mix the colours and put in the colour. I really enjoyed…making the easter egg art because it was so much fun. Next time I will…put […]

My poppy piskel

I was learning about…how to make a poppy with piskel. I found it hard to…make it into a poppy because a poppy is a really difficult shape to make. I found it easy to…put in the colours and detail because colour is really easy to do. I really enjoyed…making my poppy because it is really […]